Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hey Wolf Lovers!

Hey all you wolf lovers out there! This is Shadow speaking! Lately, I have been working on this new book, and wondering what your opinions would be. I will post the first few chapters, and toss on the next few every week! I will see if I can get it up soon!
Remember to follow us!
~Shadow (Solan)

Monday, December 24, 2012


So, my friend who I'm making this with is having some troubles posting right now. We'll get it fixed, down't worry.

Anyway, she told me to post this.

This is a great site too. this place is actually real, and has different wolf pics, and even the ability to adopt your own wolf! (well, not really, it is more of a donation thing)

Wolf Designer

So here's my favorite wolf designer.
Kinda time consuming, but its very detailed and has a lot of options to personalize your own wolf!
Hey! I know! A contest for your best wolf! Post a link to your picture int he comments!
(Just take a screenshot and upload it to something like or
I'll post mine soon!


Life Cycle

Hey wolf lovers! I found the fanTASTIC page all about the wolf's life cycle. Doesn't seem like it at the beginning, but it starts to seem more life-cycle-y at the second page. I found it pretty interesting.

Make sure to check it out.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Basic information

So, this is a website packed full of information on wolves. Anything wolf-related, it's on here.
So let's start with some basic info.

Canis lupus is the grey wolf's scientific name. It is native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America, Eurasia, and North Africa. It is classified as Least concern.

I found this really great site. Check it out to see all the different types of wolves. 

More info later, like the stages of a wolf's life.



(Note: Otsana is Basque name meaning "she-wolf", So, That's my screen name!)

Saturday, December 22, 2012